Bifrontal Craniotomy for Tumor

What is a Bifrontal Craniotomy for Tumor?
Bifrontal Craniotomy for Tumor is a procedure used to remove tumors located in the brain's frontal lobe. This procedure requires a hospital stay.
Who needs a Bifrontal Craniotomy for Tumor?
This procedure is used to remove tumors located in the frontal lobe of the brain. Bifrontal Craniotomy for Tumor is performed with the patient under general anesthesia.
What are the steps in a Bifrontal Craniotomy for Tumor?
Preparing for the Procedure
Once the patient has been placed in the correct position, a frame is used to fix the patient's head in place with pins to prevent motion during the procedure. In some cases, a narrow strip of hair may be shaved.
Gaining Access to the Skull
A coronal incision is made in the scalp. This type of incision begins at one ear and arches over the top of the head to the other ear. The surgeon then pulls the skin down in order to expose the skull to perform the procedure.
Opening the Skull
One or more holes is then drilled into the skull. The surgeon will then use a saw between these holes in order to free a section of bone referred to as a "skull flap." Once removed, this skull flap is then removed and stored for later in the procedure. The membrane that surrounds the brain, called the dura, is then opened and folded back to gain access to the brain.
Removing the Tumor
The surgeon then works to remove the tumor. This is first accomplished by using retractors to move aside the healthy brain tissue around the tumor. Once the tumor is isolated, the surgeon carefully removes it.
Ending the Procedure
Once the tumor has been removed, the surgeon will close the dura with sutures. The skull flap is then returned to its place and anchored with plates and screws or with wires. If necessary, a drain may be placed in order to avoid the buildup of fluid. Once those steps are completed, the surgeon will fold back the skin flap, sealing it with surgical staples or sutures.
After Surgery
Once the procedure has been completed, a hospital stay of several days will be required. The day after the procedure, the patient may be able to get out of the hospital bed. During this time, the patient will be monitored, and any therapy needed will be administered. Full recovery time varies depending on the tumor's severity and location, as well as the patient's general health, but is often a few months. During recovery, the feeling of fatigue may be felt.